Thank you for your lengthy response to my work. It does seem that my reading of the game may have hit a nerve with you. Unfortunately, it seems that my way of reading and enjoying the game has been revealed as entirely invalid! Of course, in a game premised on ambiguity — your reading of this ambiguity is the only correct way of understanding it. Thank you for showing me the light, I mean dark, I mean — whatever. :)
In all seriousness, you can’t claim in good faith to attack the reading I present in this essay by claiming that I’ve missed the point of the series. The series doesn’t have a singular point — it’s a work of artistic fiction and is thus open to interpretation. Not only that, but to accuse me of deliberately misreading the game in order to further my interpretation is rather hypocritical of you considering how you over-simplify and misrepresent this essay. I do not suggest that light = good, and dark = evil, for instance, I merely note that Gwyn and all the forces aligned with him push this agenda (which I know because I played the games a lot, you see!)
This essay does not represent my absolute opinion on the series — it’s just one of the ways I’ve come to read it. You don’t have to agree with me, but you don’t get to tell me that my love of the game is inauthentic because I’m not enjoying it properly. You can keep the unnecessary gatekeeping to yourself.
Have a good day :)